Bykatiegray is a handmade Australian label, based in Melbourne. Born out of my passion for dressmaking and love of fashion, Bykatiegray is a product of years of dreaming.

Self-expression through style and fashion is at the very forefront of the design process. I pride myself in creating quality garments that are beautiful and unique, focusing on celebrating a woman's/ person's individuality and femininity.


Bykatiegray emerged from my bedroom in late 2020. I have always loved dress making, whether it be altering thrift finds or creating my high school formal dresses.

I then took my business on the road in 2021 as I travelled around Australia, working where ever I got the chance. From Airbnbs and garages, to tiny hostel rooms, I utilised any space I could to continue my passion and grow my business. 


Every decision within my business is thought in good conscience. Each piece is completely hand made and made to order - ensuring that no garment goes to waste. I strive to use mostly deadstock fabrics, as well as packaging our products in 100% compostable mailer bags.